West Side

885 Pancheri Dr.
Idaho Falls ID 83402

East Side

2685 Channing Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83404

Periodontal Treatment: Post Op Instructions

Post Op Instructions:

Post-operative Instructions

Since plaque continually forms on teeth and gums, you need to remove it every day. Proper brushing and flossing is essential. Utilize any aids your hygienist recommended and follow their instructions. Without a strict personal program of home care, your periodontal disease may recur and worsen, even with professional periodontal treatment.

Bleeding gums while brushing and flossing is to be expected, with consistent oral hygiene habits it will gradually decrease as the gum tissue heals.

Rinse with Peridex 2 times a day. Fill cap to the “fill line.” Swish in mouth undiluted for 30 seconds to minimize the medicinal taste. If staining occurs it will be removed when we polish at the final cleaning.

You may experience soreness and discomfort. A salt water rinse will help. Mix ½ teaspoon salt in a glassof warm water and rinse 2 times a day.
Tylenol or Ibuprofen “over the counter strength” may be taken for discomfort.

It is absolutely necessary to COMPLETE prescribed periodontal treatment.

Upon evaluation of tissue healing, a regular re-care schedule will be determined.

Printable Form:

Call Park West Dental today at 208.524.0870 (Pancheri Office) or 208.522.1164 (Channing Way Office) to learn more about our dentistry services. We look forward to serving you and helping you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.